Jan 13, 2010

Apply Yourself

To all ladies with lips - I need your full attention for a few minutes.  Thank you.

Now, as you know, lipstick is not a new concept.  In fact I can guarantee that almost all females out there over the age of 16 have at least one lipstick in their possession. (That was rhetorical, please don't tell me if you only have only one lipstick as the veins in my head might pop)!  

Anyway, back to the topic - lipstick.
Lipstick makes you look dressed, finished, polished, pretty, glamorous, sexy, awake, beautiful, alluring, feminine, womanly, striking, attractive etc.   So my question is this ... Why wouldn't you want to have your lips looking succulent 24/7?

Lipstick is not eternal, it needs to be reapplied OFTEN.  That means after you eat, and as many times throughout the day as required to keep you looking luscious!   And yes, I know ... this is the part of lipstick you hate and is the main reason why you put it on in the morning and never touch it again.  But trust me, a lipstick habit is there for the taking, and is much better for your health than say a sugar or caffeine habit.  (There's an idea .. a sugary caffeine lipstick)!

And I know it is your ultimately your choice, but please do not be fooled into buying one of those 'last through a nuclear war' products as they never ever look as good as the real thing.

When choosing a lipstick, be sure to choose one to suit your skin tone, and place a decent amount on the back of your hand to see if it suits you.

Hint:  if the lipstick shade makes your skin look too pink, too yellow or sallow, then it is not the shade for you.  You will know if a lipstick suits your skin looks even and healthy.

If lipstick scares you, try these ultra soft, and not very scary shades:

Note to all the fabulous lipstick addicts out there - you're my new best friends and I love you!

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