To find out, take this simple, no scores, no prizes, but useful quiz.
- Are you tall enough? Over the knee boots look best when they finish no higher than mid thigh. If you are not terribly tall and they finish up around your b'jingo area, then it will look like you are wearing wading pants rather than the latest trend.
- Are you thin enough? Now don't get me wrong, I personally think size is completely irrelevant when it comes to fashion ... however think about what over the knee boots will do to your legs. They will ADD BULK. Do you really want that? Do you?
- What will you wear them with? Name four items in your wardrobe that you can wear them with .. go! If this question is a struggle, so will the decision be each and every day when you try a gazillion things on trying to find an outfit to match your new and expensive purchase.
- How often will you wear them? With all statement items, the frequency of wear is usually lower than your classic pieces, simply because they are memorable. Wear them too often and you may become known as 'the girl in the big boots'. Sure, you may get your money's worth per wear, but your whole personality becomes wrapped up in the boots. People will no longer notice the fashion statement, but will be more likely to notice you when you don't wear them ... 'hey Sara, I didn't recognise you without your boots' ... *sob* So my question is this .. do you go out enough, party enough, travel enough, or are you willing to gain a lot more friends in order to get your money's worth?
OK, so you get my point, but are still determined to have a pair ... off you go my friend and enjoy! Choose the softest leather that you can afford, and choose a sleek style to avoid looking like one of these characters.
If you really want this look, but would rather not part with your hard earned cash just yet, here is a cheap way to test drive the look ... over the knee socks. (insert dramatic music here to signify a light bulb moment).
The benefit of over the knee socks, besides the obvious price difference, is that they are sleek and will not add bulk to your frame, plus you get all the benefit of the 'look' without having to hire a team of boot taker offers. (Having been a horse rider for most of my life, I can personally attest to the drama of getting tight boots on and off. Sometimes I would simply just wear them to bed to save myself the drama)!
Try the Sock Shop in Melbourne (Walk Arcade), or your local department store. David Jones have a great selection priced at around $12 - 14.95.
So there you are my friends, the decision to boot or not to boot is entirely yours. Whichever you choose, you are sure to look fabulous!
Feel free to send me a photo of you in your over the knee boots or socks via my Facebook page or via email.
Try the Sock Shop in Melbourne (Walk Arcade), or your local department store. David Jones have a great selection priced at around $12 - 14.95.
So there you are my friends, the decision to boot or not to boot is entirely yours. Whichever you choose, you are sure to look fabulous!
Feel free to send me a photo of you in your over the knee boots or socks via my Facebook page or via email.
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