Oct 19, 2012

Races on a Budget

Just because you're on a budget, doesn't mean you can't look great at the races.

Regardless of how much you spend on an outfit, one thing will always be true ... a little effort goes a long way.
In fact, I think this saying was penned specifically for the races!
Most likely.

Whether it's an official race meeting or a friend's BBQ, always aim to look like you got dressed on purpose.

I've put together some budget outfit examples to spur your inspiration

Oaks Day

Melbourne Cup Day

Derby Day

Prices were correct and items were available on each store's online store at time of posting.

Using your existing pieces will save you even more money!

And when I say existing pieces, I don't mean black shoes.  Yes, it's true, I have an issue with black shoes with pretty dresses unless your specifically doing a black and white outfit.  Of course this is my personal opinion, but I'm right .. right?
Read more about it here.

If you're heading to the races on a budget, I'd love to see your outfit.
Why not post it on my Facebook page here.

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1 comment:

  1. The Cup Day outfit is gorgeous, and you have convinced me about black shoes. Thanks for a great blog.
